Vegas sized craters and Essen
Having finally gotten over the come down that has afflicted me the last
two or three months, which has been a roller coaster of a ride for several
reasons, I am somewhere between here and there which to be precise is somewhere
between “up yonder” and “down’t road.”
Firstly, I changed roles at work taking a secondment for 6 months
(starting mid august) which took me well away from my comfort zone.
Secondly, I turned 40 and as a surprise for this apparently life
defining moment my wife arranged a surprise visit to Las Vegas for me/us/her (I
could tag along). I will be totally honest, it was not somewhere I had any real
interest in going, but “oh my good Lord!”
What an amazing place, what an adventure. I arrived there and was totally
overwhelmed, a real shock and awe moment for me. My good wife thought I was in
some sort of mood for being taken there, the truth is that I could not take it
all in, it just did not compute. I should also add that it was only at the
airport check in desk when I found out where we were actually going.
Viva Las Vegas! |
Back in the UK and a huge funk took over me. I could not focus on work,
even my beloved hobby was not doing it for me. I tried to continue with my
plans, which I will get to, but I just could not get excited about them. All I
did, it seemed, was day dream about my time in Vegas and how on earth I could
get back there (and it wasn’t for the gambling, which I barely did any of, it
was just such a cool place to kick back, explore, relax and spend some quality
time with my wife).
And then the Essen call came. Obviously I have written a fair amount
about it in previous posts, so wont dwell. Essen came and went in a whirlwind
of utter chaos and exhaustion and I found myself dumped straight back into
Vegas shaped crater I had just managed to crawl out of.
Another couple of week meandered by, but very slowly and surely I was
starting to plan my attack. I had, pre-Vegas, spoken to one or two people about
what I wanted to be doing with my life. They were enthusiastic for me and I
further outlined my ideas to my wife. She was/is very supportive and then met
up with a good friend who listened to my musings and he too gave me some good
advice and offered to help.
So here we are, but where exactly is that?
The start of my plan is where, a plan that started with my discovery of
KickStarter and a couple of games that are made by independent companies.
I will start to record my journey, where I have been, where I am now
and where I am hopefully headed (amongst my general ramblings with regard to
the hobby I love).
Game Happy
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